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ISO 28000 Security and resilience — Security management systems

What is ISO 28000?

ISO 28000 is an internationally recognized standard for security management systems for the supply chain. It provides a framework for organizations to identify and mitigate risks related to security threats in the supply chain. ISO 28000 helps organizations to ensure the safety and security of their supply chain operations, protect their assets, and ensure the continuity of supply chain activities.

### Key Features of ISO 28000

1. **Security Management System (SMS)**:
ISO 28000 requires organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a Security Management System (SMS) that addresses security risks within the supply chain.

2. **Risk Assessment and Management**:
The standard emphasizes the importance of identifying and assessing security risks. Organizations must conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in their supply chain and implement appropriate control measures.

3. **Legal and Regulatory Compliance**:
ISO 28000 helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to supply chain security. This includes international, national, and local regulations.

4. **Incident Management**:
The standard requires organizations to establish procedures for managing security incidents. This includes incident detection, reporting, investigation, and corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

5. **Security Awareness and Training**:
ISO 28000 emphasizes the importance of security awareness and training for all employees. Organizations must ensure that employees are trained on security policies, procedures, and practices relevant to their roles.

6. **Supply Chain Collaboration**:
The standard encourages organizations to collaborate with supply chain partners to ensure a comprehensive approach to security. This includes sharing information on security threats and best practices.

7. **Monitoring and Measurement**:
Organizations must regularly monitor and measure the performance of their SMS to ensure its effectiveness. This includes conducting internal audits and management reviews.

8. **Continual Improvement**:
ISO 28000 promotes continual improvement of the SMS. Organizations are encouraged to regularly review and update their security practices to address emerging threats and improve overall security performance.

### Benefits of ISO 28000 Certification

1. **Enhanced Security**:
Implementing ISO 28000 helps organizations enhance the security of their supply chain operations, reducing the risk of security breaches and disruptions.

2. **Regulatory Compliance**:
ISO 28000 assists organizations in meeting legal and regulatory requirements related to supply chain security, reducing the risk of non-compliance issues.

3. **Risk Management**:
The standard’s focus on risk assessment and management helps organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks, ensuring the continuity of supply chain activities.

4. **Improved Supplier Relationships**:
ISO 28000 certification demonstrates a commitment to security, enhancing trust and collaboration with suppliers and other supply chain partners.

5. **Operational Efficiency**:
By implementing a structured approach to security management, organizations can improve operational efficiency and reduce the impact of security incidents.

6. **Customer Trust and Confidence**:
Certification enhances customer trust and confidence by demonstrating that the organization takes supply chain security seriously and is committed to protecting their assets and interests.

7. **Competitive Advantage**:
ISO 28000 certification can provide a competitive edge, as many customers and partners prefer or require working with organizations that have robust security management systems in place.


At EUROTECH CERTIFICATION, we specialize in auditing and certifying organizations to the ISO 28000 standard. Our comprehensive audit services help organizations achieve and maintain ISO 28000 certification, ensuring compliance and continual improvement in supply chain security management.

– **Expert Auditors**: Our team of experienced auditors is well-versed in the requirements of ISO 28000. We conduct thorough and impartial audits to assess your SMS and security practices.
– **Gap Analysis**: We offer gap analysis services to identify areas where your current security management practices may need improvement to meet ISO 28000 requirements.
– **Certification Audits**: We perform initial certification audits and regular surveillance audits to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 28000.
– **Continuous Support**: EUROTECH CERTIFICATION provides continuous support and guidance throughout the certification process, helping you achieve and maintain high standards of supply chain security management.

By partnering with EUROTECH CERTIFICATION for your ISO 28000 certification, you demonstrate your commitment to supply chain security, regulatory compliance, and the protection of your assets and operations.


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